The Windmills Junior School

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0113 3200 750 if you have any queries.


Illness/ absence

If your child develops a high temperature or is sick during the day, we will contact you so that your child may be taken home. Cuts and grazes from playground falls are dealt with in the school’s first aid room but if a more serious injury is suspected, parents and carers will be contacted.

Do ensure that we have up-to-date phone numbers for you and the details of at least one emergency contact.

Medical support

We have a number of trained first aiders on the school site at all times and ensure that their training is regularly updated. Our school nurse is available on request to visit the school to advise and work with children, parents and carers, and staff on a variety of health-related issues. 





The Windmills Junior School will administer medicines that have been prescribed by a doctor or dentist.   Such medicines should always be provided in the original container as dispensed by a pharmacist and which include the prescriber's instructions for administration.  Parents/ carers must let the school know in writing the time(s) at which the medicine should be  taken.  A form for completion is available from the office.

Under exceptional circumstances the school will administer non-prescription medicines such as 6+ infant suspension. Please speak to the school office for further information.

Staff are not able to administer eye drops although children can self-administer if brought to the office with a completed medical form. 

Staff are not able to apply sun cream.

Head lice

Parents and carers are asked to check their children's hair regularly. The Health Centre in Windmill Avenue can recommend appropriate treatment. We are advised that regular combing after washing and conditioning is the best non-chemical deterrent.

Please ensure that long hair is tied back as this helps to prevent the spread of head lice.

Community School Nurse

School Nursing is a universal ill health prevention and health promotion service offered to all children and their families, from school entry. It is delivered in schools, community settings and, occasionally, within the home.  (Our school nurse is based at the Burgess Hill Clinic.)

Please use the link from the title for more information.

Supporting documents

 Asthma Inhaler form.pdfDownload
 The Windmills Junior School - parental consent to administer medication.pdfDownload
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