The Windmills Junior School

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Please contact Delivery Team on
0113 3200 750 if you have any queries.


Packed lunches

Packed lunches must be provided for all children that have not ordered a hot meal. These should be nutritionally healthy with a balance of protein, fruit and fibre. Insulated flasks are allowed to keep food warm but not those with a glass vacuum lining. There should be no sweets, nuts or chocolate bars and no fizzy drinks (no glass bottles or cans please). We also recommend that children shouldn’t be eating crisps everyday as these have high levels of salt.

Due to food allergies please ensure that your child does not have any nut products in school, so no spreads,

or healthy biscuits with nuts in them.

Hot meals



We work with Chartwells to provide your children’s hot school lunches.

West Sussex County Council have a contract with Chartwells to provide hot school lunches at The Windmills. Chartwells aim to make appetising food that the children will enjoy, based on the requirements stipulated by West Sussex County Council in their contract.

The current meal price is £2.97

How to order: Log on at to choose and book your meals. Orders need to be placed by midnight Thursday, ten days ahead of the week required. For example, meals for the week starting Monday 12th would have an order deadline of Thursday 1st.

You will have received an activation letter and temporary password to set up your ParentPay account. If you need this resent, please contact the school office.

Click here to view the current menu.

For children with food intolerances and allergies, Chartwells have a dedicated team of medical diet nutritionists on hand to support allergen aware children and their parents. More information on their medical diet process can be found here: The Chartwells Approach to Medical Diets | Chartwells

Parents and guardians can contact the medical diet nutrition team directly on:

To find out more about Chartwells, visit their website or contact the school catering team. Weblink: Primary School Caterers You Can Trust | Chartwells


 Chartwells benefits of school meals.jpgDownload
 Chartwells poster.jpgDownload
 ParentPay Guide for Parents.pdfDownload
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Free school meals

Is your child eligible for free school meals?

The rising cost of living means everyone could use a bit of help.  If you are unemployed or on benefits then you may be able to claim free school meals for your child.


This would not only help you: it would help the school too.

Schools are given additional funding by the Government for every child who gets free school meals.  We want to obtain as much as possible so that we can improve education for all pupils.


We are aware there are children who attend The Windmills Junior School who are entitled to free school meals but do not realise it.  The pupil premium means that even if you don't wish to access a free daily hot school meal it is worth you applying if you can as the school is awarded additional money for your child’s education that will be spent directly on their learning if they qualify for free school meals. 


If you think your family could qualify you will need to apply on line via the West Sussex County Council website: 

A step by step guide to making an application can be downloaded here


If you have any queries please contact the school office.