The Windmills Junior School

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Welcome to the spelling area. Your child will have a login that they should use to access their weekly spellings. If you do not have this login for any reason, or are new to the school and have not yet received it, please contact us and we will get these details to you as soon as possible. It is an expectation that your child uses this area to practise their spellings throughout the week so that they have the best possible chance of being committed to their long-term memory. It is also worth going back to previous spellings periodically to check that these words and patterns have been retained.

Please click the link below to take you to the spelling’s area of the website. It is vitally important that children complete the practice either online or paper before taking tests. Any spellings misspelt on the test will show up on the Brain Train which allow children to practice these again. Once these have been completed correctly three times, they will no longer be on Brain Train. This will help give children greater confidence when completing their weekly tests and using them in their writing.


Click here for 'Spellings' 



For your information, please find below the National Curriculum Spelling lists 

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