The Windmills Junior School

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Sport Premium Statement for The Windmills Junior School 

The government has provided Sports Premium funding to provide additional and sustainable improvements to PE and sport for the benefit of all pupils and to encourage the development of healthy and active lifestyles. This ensures that there is ring-fenced money that can only be spent on improving the quality of sport and P.E. Windmills allocation for the academic year 2022-23 is £19,640.


Schools have the freedom to choose how they will spend the sport funding on improving their provision of PE and sport. At Windmills we are using this money to:

  • Affiliate to Mid Sussex Active, our local School Sports Partnership. This enables our children to take part in enrichment and competitive events and specialist advice and support from our local secondary school.
  • Buy in tailored, high-quality, training on a weekly basis to train and develop teachers skills  
  • Create a wide, balanced and well-resourced PE curriculum.
  • Enable a high proportion of our children to become young Sports Leaders with a view to them becoming more actively involved in both PE lessons and during playtimes.
  • Provide a well-resourced, high-quality outdoor environment to encourage active play during playtimes.

This targeted funding will ensure that children receive an extensive PE curriculum and encourage all to actively participate in fit and healthy lifestyles. As a result of the work that has been undergone in the past few years, using this funding effectively, we were very proud to be awarded the Sainsbury’s School Games Award.

 PE action Plan 2022-2023 July 23.pdfDownload
 PE action Plan 2021-2022 July 2022.pdfDownload
 PE action Plan 2020-2021 July 2021.pdfDownload
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See for further information and reports about events/ training/ calendar, etc.

See the attached Sainsbury’s document above to see what the PLATINUM mark means and just how developed our PE offer is to achieve this.